The Perfect database to consult for SNP, Knockout/Knockdown related studies

Last week the XTractor Premium Knowledgebase has clocked 150,000 manually categorized biomedical facts.

The knowledgebase currently grows at a rate of more than 700 facts every single day from PubMed and covers information on Biomarkers, Disease mechanisms, Clinical Trials, polymorphisms, mutations, knockouts and pathways.

The knowledgebase recently crossed landmark of more 10000 relationships on knockout and mutation studies alone in XTractor.

  • Knockout/Knockdown related facts: 10132
  • Mutation related facts: 14331
So not only you get the most relavant scientific facts everyday but also individual uptodate knowledge on knockouts, mutations, biomarkers , SNP and so on…

XTractor Premium - A Platform for discovery, analysis and modelling of published biomedical facts.


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