Search Wars

A not very long time ago, in a galaxy near,
very near by....
Search, Search engines, While the Search engine big wigs fight for a niche in the search engines landscape .... The Google, Yahoo & now Micorsoft too (with their Bing)

There are the Wolfram|Alpha likes that are forming a separatist and slowly gaining power over the Google order. In fact google has managed to bring balance to both with its Google Squared.

While platforms like XTractor, NextBio, Novoseek, GoPubMed, BioMedSearch have specialized in searching biomedical and biological knowledge are even more strengthening the separatists.

Now to see and know who is more powerful, the galactic empire or the separatist? I leave it to the 'Republic' i.e. You users! to judge, in the form of your comments and experiences with such tools and searches! you could even voice your opinions here


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