India's First Symposium on Synthetic Biology

Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology & Centre for Bioinformatics
University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Welcome to India's First Symposium on Synthetic Biology                      
The event will address several strategic issues:

1. How to design organisms from scratch ?
2. Are we ready for the Computer Aided Design of organisms ?
3. Can we design stable genetic circuits for useful applications ?
4. Have we entered the era of ordering genomes by email ?
5. Is the emergence of biohacking, the next big thing in biology ?

Invite you to this first synthetic biology meeting in India.

The evolving synthetic biology community in our country needs to discuss unique ideas, interest groups, synergies, funding avenues and useful applications. The key goal will be to identify areas where India has potential to take global leadership.
 Welcome to BIODESIGN INDIA 1.0 

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