Microarray Data Analysis using R and Bioconductor

Microarray Data Analysis using R and Bioconductor

 Deadline for applications: August 30th 2010 
 Notification of acceptance dates: 
        EARLY: August 15th 2010 (only on special request, see Application) 
        NORMAL:August 30th 2010 
 Course date: September 6th to September 10th 2010

Course description:

This course aims to introduce researchers to a multidisciplinary approach to microrray data analysis. Particular attention is devoted to the design of microarray experiments, data normalization and quality control as well as to statistical analysis. Participants might find the provided basic training invaluable for: how to approach designing microarray experiments planned in their lab; gaining knowledge and understanding of microarray analysis and quality issues; gaining confidence in performing preprocessing, quality assessment, and differential expression and downstream analysis using the statistical software environment R and some R libraries in Bioconductor, namely limma. The course also covers more specific topics, such as the analysis of Illumina and Affymetrix, as well as SNP and CNV data.

Target audience: All aspects of the course are aimed at non-statisticians, suitable for beginners in microarrays as well as those who have already been working in genomics. The course may also be useful to computational biologists new to microarray analysis. The course is intensive so a highly motivated group of trainees, looking forward to dealing with microarray data in the near future, is expected.
Course Pre-requisites:
Basic Molecular Biology, Elementary level Statistics. The participants are also requested to doPractical Introduction to R in advance, ideally just before the course.This tutorial takes less than 30 minutes to follow.
To install R locally, go to
Click on CRAN, select a mirror site and install R locally. It is available for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS X.
Links to previous editions:
2009 2008 


Detailed Program

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência,
Apartado 14, 2781-901 Oeiras, Portugal
GTPB Homepage
IGC Homepage
Last updated:  July 20th 2010

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