4th Asian Young Researchers Conference on Computational and Omics Biology

The 4th Asian Young Researchers Conference on Computational and Omics Biology is jointly organized by the Joint-International Society for Computational Biology Student Council ISCB-SC Regional Student Group RSG Japan, Korea and Singapore; young researchers in Taiwan and the GCOE program “Genome BigBang” of The University of Tokyo, Japan.

The 4th AYRCOB aims to achieve a 2-fold objective:

1) To provide an avenue of exposure for students who are interested in the areas Computational and Omics Biology to participate in lectures of current topics from leading scientists of the field.
2) To establish international collaboration through interaction and discussion with fellow participants.

** Travel expenses of selected ORAL presenters will be FULLY COVERED by the conference sponsors! ** 

Key Dates

Wednessday, 25th August 2010: Call for Abstract Opens
Monday, 13th September 2010: Website Registration open
Monday, 25th October 2010: Abstract Submission Deadline
Friday, 5th November 2010: Abstract Acceptance Notification
Wednesday, 10th November 2010: Abstract Acceptance Deadline
1st to 3rd December 2010: Main conference (lectures, orals, posters, and discussions)
2rd to 3rd December 2010: 1st Joint Clinical Bioinformatics Symposium and Singapore Symposium on Computational Biology 2010


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