Position open for Genome Computational Specialist

Courtesy: Bioclues

Job Reference: G586-10LL

Genome Discovery Unit, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
We are seeking a Genome Computational Specialist to support the work of researchers engaged in cutting-edge projects involving analysis of high throughput sequencing data.
Term of ContractPermanent
GradeANU Senior Manager 1 (Information Technology)
Salary Package$88,417 - $92,781 pa plus 17% superannuation
Closing Date3 January 2011
Position OverviewThe ANU's genomic strategies and expertise has positioned it as a key partner in a number of national and international genomics / phenomics research consortia. The ANU is underpinning this excellence in genomic biology by establishing a Genome Discovery Unit (GDU) for the analysis of high throughput sequencing data. The facility will be staffed by highly skilled personnel who will provide the core expertise for constructing and operating a high performance computing cluster that will serve the needs of projects employing high throughput sequencing.
The ANU is seeking as the Genome Computational Specialist of the GDU a service-oriented individual with outstanding track record in high performance computing. The Genome Computational Specialist will have a successful track record in project management, of working collaboratively in a research environment and experience in biological data analysis and bioinformatics.
Enquiries: Stephanie Palmer, T: 02 6125 9637, E: Stephanie.Palmer@anu.edu.au
Additional InformationPEWER.pdf
Position description 
Responsible toManager, Genome Discovery Unit

The Genome Computational Specialist position has been identified as the crucial appointment for ensuring the successful creation and operation of the Genome Discovery Unit (GDU).

Position Dimension & Relationships:
The Genome Computation Specialist reports to the Manager of the GDU and oversees the work of other computational and bioinformatics service staff in the GDU. The Genome Computation Specialist plays a key liaison role with staff at the ANU Supercomputer Facility, The National Computational Infrastructure, The ANU Division of Information and the College of Medicine, Biology and Environment IT function to ensure the provision of effective and robust computing resources for the analysis and storage of high throughput sequencing (HTS) data.
The Genome Computational Specialist works in the Genome Discovery Unit (GDU) to:
1. Provide a centralised service for genome researchers including complete analysis pipelines for (HTS) projects encompassing sample preparation, sequencing, computational, data storage and bioinformatics needs. The service will also include other genomics services currently provided by the Biomolecular Resource Facility (BRF), including dideoxy sequencing & capillary electrophoresis, rtPCR and microarrays and genotyping.
2. Develop a critical mass of high level expertise in genomic analysis, particularly focussed on HTS and associated bioinformatics, with close integration of service provision with bioinformatic/genomics researchers and with education and outreach programs.
3. Develop and propagate genomics and bioinformatics capability and research strength at ANU and more generally in Canberra across a range of research areas, including through the joint development of major new research initiatives.
4. Develop and manage strategic relationships with key organisations including APF/APN, ANUSF/NCI, CSIRO, BPA, other genome/bioinformatics centres and facilities and major vendors and to leverage these relationships to enhance and grow areas of research strength at ANU and more generally in Canberra.
Role Statement:

Under the broad direction of the Manager, Genome Discovery Unit:
1. Develop and implement high performance computing strategies for the management, analysis and storage of HTS data.
2. Oversee the design, installation and ongoing maintenance of a computing environment that meets the needs of GDU researchers and facility users, including researchers throughout the Canberra region.
3. Oversee the development and execution of operating procedures that maximise the quality and robustness of GDU services including: provision of public data required for HTS analyses; design, implementation and routine testing of a backup and recovery plan for critical data; and mechanisms for end-user feedback.
4. Oversee the development of HTS analysis pipelines including assisting with choice and local installation of algorithms required to undertake these analyses.
5. Integration of the GDU computing facility with existing ANU IT infrastructure and the National Computational Infrastructure to maximise performance and availability of the computing capabilities to members and clients of the GDU.
6. Coordinate GDU bioinformaticians and instruct them on facility usage policy and the software engineering best-practices to ensure effective use of the facility and maximize the quality of results.
7. Prepare and deliver requested reports regarding service status.
8. Other duties as required consistent with the classification.
Selection criteria 
1. Progress towards a postgraduate qualification in computer science or equivalent combination of relevant experience and or education/training with several years subsequent relevant specialist/professional experience.
2. Project management skills with expertise in managing multi-contributor software engineering projects including the associated quality control and quality assurance processes.
3. Experience and a sophisticated understanding of high performance computing environments including a working knowledge of cluster computing, cluster maintenance and systems administration.
4. Experience in the management and analysis of complex data.
5. Demonstrated experience in effective staff management ensuring the on time delivery of a technically oriented service.
6. Prior exposure to genome biology with intellectual flexibility and a practical approach to completing projects.
7. Well developed written and oral communication skills including the ability to communicate and work cooperatively with colleagues and staff from diverse disciplines.
8. A demonstrated understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context.


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