International Conference on Perspective of Cell Signaling and Molecular Medicine

2nd International Conference on Perspective of Cell Signaling and Molecular Medicine  8 to 11 January, 2012 Organised by Bose Institute, Kolkata
Instructions for Submission of Abstract :
1. Only abstracts containing new results will be accepted. Abstracts should clearly and adequately describe the objectives and results of the research. All abstracts must be submitted in English. All abstracts must be accompanied by a completed Conference Registration Form made out in the name of one of the Authors.
a. Each abstract should include a title (in capital letters), name(s) of all authors (underline the presenting author), affiliation and email address.
b. Type entire abstract single-spaced; typing area: width 12.0 cm (4.7 inches), height 24 cm (9.4 inches).
c. Careful typing and proof-reading are essential.
Registration :
  • Registration fees : Rs. 4,000/ (Scientist); Rs. 2,500/ (Students including post-docs)
  • Late Registration fees : Rs. 5,000/ and Rs. 3,500/ respectively
  • Accompanying persons : Rs. 3,000/ and Rs. 2,000/ respectively
  • $300  (Foreign participants); $200 (Foreign students)
Contact :Prof. Parimal C. Sen
International Conference on Perspective of Cell Signaling and Molecular Medicine
Bose Institute,
P-1/12 CIT Scheme VII M,
Kolkata-700 054, India.
Tel: +91-33-2569-3222; +91 9433012797 (Cellular)
Fax:  +91-33-2355-3886
E-mail: |
Dead-line for Registration : November 15, 2011


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