GN Ramachandran Fellowships in the field of computational biology

December 12, 2011

Applications are invited for the GN Ramachandran Fellowships recently instituted by the CCBB, DBT-COE, JNU to encourage young scholars to work in the interdisciplinary research in the field of computational biology. The fellowship is meant for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research positions at SCIS, JNU.

SCOPE : Computational Biology & Data Mining.

QUALIFICATION & BACKGROUND:i) The fellowship is open to brilliant scientists and engineers who are below the age of 35 years .
ii) The applicant should possess a Ph.D. in Science/Engineering and have adequate professional experience.
iii) These Fellowships are very selective and only those who have a proven/outstanding track-record as evident from their research publications and recognitions would be eligible.

ELIGIBILITY FOR JUNIOR FELLOW :1. Ph.D. in any branch of natural sciences.
2. At least 2 years Post-Doc experience in theoretical/computational/quantitative sciences.
3. Preferable experience in the area of simulations, large scale data analysis, statistical modeling.

DURATION : The duration of the fellowship will be for three years or until the project (DBT-COE at JNU) granted, whichever comes first. Every year a report will be submitted for successful progress.

  • The value of the fellowship will be Rs.40,000/- per month (consolidated)for Junior fellowship.
  • School will provide the necessary R&D, administrative and basic infrastructural support to facilitate research. Please see the website :
  • The GN Ramachandran Fellows will be eligible & encouraged for receiving regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.
  • The scientists will be working at CCBB, SCIS, JNU and collaboration with the members of SCIS as well as outside the school is encouraged.

  • The availability of Fellowships will be through application and forms are available through CCBB. The applicant may apply through the form duly filled up and by email.
  • Selection of Fellows will be made at least once/year by an empowered Search-cum-Selection Committee specially appointed for the purpose.
All applications may be sent to :
The Coordinator
Centre for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
School of Computational and Integrative Sciences
Hall No.6, Lecture Hall Complex
Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi – 110 067.
Email : Tel.: (011) 2674 1517
Last Date for application : Dec 25th.2011


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