Online Linux course for biologists


                    CS101F Linux for Biologists, Level 1
                              Jan. 24-26, 2012
                        Online at Bioinformatics.Org



This course teaches biologists how to use the powerful Linux operating system to work with biological data.

No programming experience is needed, just a need to utilize Linux for biological research.

Shailender Nagpal is a data analysis consultant in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries and specializes in the interpretation of data generated from various platforms in drug discovery, such as genomics and proteomics.

Session 1: Fundamentals of the Linux OS - filesystem, access and basic commands; navigation of the filesystem and basic file operations - reading, writing, merging, copying and moving

Session 2: Setting permissions of files and directories; file manipulations using awk and sed, file redirection and piping, command line execution of various bioinformatics programs; exercise to demonstrate getting data and software from the internet and crunching through some real data generated from experiment; shell scripting basics and an example of a bioinformatics workflow implemented with unix shell programming

Homework assignments will involve running commands learned in the live lectures.

The lecture is scheduled for 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM US EDT (17:00 to 18:00 GMT), Tuesday and Thursday. It will also be recorded for later viewing. 

If you haven't already done so, create an on-line account to access the educational section of our website. Register for the course by making a payment using the on-line registration form (use this form only for PayPal payments and credit card payments via secured PayPal):

For additional payment methods, please write to

* For-profit & government: $400 USD
* Non-profit & self-pay: $200 USD

Additional discounts are available as follows:
* Professional Members: 20% discount
* Limited scholarships may also be available for those residing in low-income economies (please inquire).

Please visit or write to


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