Intel Offers Access to Optimized Versions of Open-source Solutions for Life Sciences Space

At the Bio-IT World Conference last week, Intel unveiled a new website, dubbed Optimized Code, that offers access to versions of several popular open-source bioinformatics analysis tools that the company has optimized to run on Intel Xeon processors, with the aim of generating results faster and more efficiently than standard iterations of these solutions.

The first set of applications that the company has released specifically for genomic analysis include optimized versions of  the Broad Institute's Genome Analysis Toolkit; Blast algorithms for nucleotide- and protein-based sequence searching; BWA-ALN, software for mapping low-divergent sequences to a reference genome; and MPI-HMMER, protein sequence analysis software. The company has also released optimized code for AMBER and NAMD, both of which are used for simulating the molecular dynamics of biomolecular systems. The Intel website provides performance numbers for each of the optimized codes as well as directions for how to access and download the tools.

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