Skill Enhancement in Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics

Skill Enhancement in Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics within 15 days
This summer get expertise in Molecular Biology Techniques and Bio-informatics with RASA LSI &
Central Dogma
                                                                            Apply Here
The primary goal of this program in this field is to educate students for jobs in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and related industry sectors. The curriculum is extremely flexible, allowing for dual majors with several other disciplines. Revolutions in biotechnology and information technology are changing the world. This program will make you understand basics of Bio-Informatic application in molecular biology with extensive hands on molecular laboratory work.
Hands on training in molecular biology with a concentration in bioinformatics may attract those desiring an M.S. degree before proceeding to professional study in medicine or a doctoral program.
Why join us?
Through appropriate elective selection, students planning careers as molecular biologists with a computational background or as fully trained computer scientists with knowledge of biological sciences can adapt the program to their needs.
There are extensive opportunities to pursue undergraduate research in faculty laboratories. The bioinformatics and molecular biology program also serves as an excellent premedical curriculum.
Salient Features:
  • Understanding the nature of biological data and need for biological databases for data retrieval and analysis
  • Ability to study mapping of plasmid using multiple restriction enzymes
  • Understanding the need and significance of bioinformatics approaches in wet lab experiments
  • Understanding the concept of competent cell preparation and transformation of competent cells with expression vector
  • Acquire hands on experience in various bioinformatics algorithms & study different methods of structure prediction
  • Visualization of protein structures using visualization tools
  • Acquiring knowledge on designing primers using in silico approaches

Fundamental Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics
  1. Plasmid DNA (vector) isolation from bacterial culture, Agarose gel electrophoresis (Casting the gel, Loading)
  2. Plasmid mapping using multiple restriction enzymes, Agarose gel electrophoresis
  3. Theory on PCR and Primer design for PCR, Gene amplification by Polymerase chain reaction, Agarose gel electrophoresis to check gene amplification
  4. Competent cell preparation (Bacterial host), Transformation of competent cells with expression vector carrying specific gene, Plating the transformants on the LB agar +Amp plates and overnight incubation
  5. Colony PCR analysis of transformants
  6. Growth curve of bacterial host and bacterial host carrying plasmid (Spectrophotometric analysis)
  7. Casting a polyacryalamide gel and
  8. Protein sample preparation and gel loading, Electrophoresis and Staining the gel with Coomasie Blue for visualization of proteins.
1.Introduction to bioinformatics and Databases
  • Definition of Bioinformatics, databases
  • Introduction to NCBI, EMBL and DDBJ, Protein databases (primary, composite and secondary)
  • Generation of large scale molecular biology data
  • Applications of Bioinformatics – Sequencing, NMR Spectroscopy, X – ray, Gel electrophoresis)
2.Sequence alignment
  • Introduction to dynamic programming and sequence alignment
  • Pairwise sequence alignment (BLAST and FASTA)
  • Multiple sequence alignment (ClustalW)
  • Concept of homology, similarity, identity, orthologues and paralogues
3.Primer designing – Primer BLAST
Designing primers using Primer BLAST for PCR
4.Restriction enzyme mapping
Mapping of restriction enzyme and enzyme cutting using Restriction Mapper tool

5.Sequence Extractor
Generating primer map and enzyme map using Sequence extractor
6.Insilico vector design
Designing vector using insilico techniques
7.Protein Databases, structure cleaning and downloading , and Protein visualization
Introduction to protein databases, cleaning and downloading of protein structure
Protein visualization using Discovery Studio and SPDBV

                                                         Apply Here
Batches and Deadline for Registrations:
  • Batch : 27th March 2017Dead Line: 15th March 2017

  • Duration: 15 working days

Mr. Sameer Chawdhari, CSO,RASA Life Science Informatics
Dr Anjali Apte-Deshpande, Founder/Director Of Central Dogma
Ms. Tanvee Pardeshi, Application scienctist
Ms. Sakshi Rawat, Jr. Application scienctist

  • Accommodation assistance for out- station candidates.
  • Fees are non transferrable & non refundable in any case.

Please feel free to contact us at any time:
RASA Life Science Informatics
4th floor.46/10 Shakuntal Building,
Law college Road, Near Pastry corner, Nal stop,
Erandwane, Pune -411004
Phone No. 020-65600408


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