Workshop On Bioinformatics and Protein Structure Prediction

10th to 12th May 2019 | Pune, India | 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Our 3 day comprehensive workshop on Bioinformatics and Protein Structure Prediction aims at providing systematic Hands-on-Training on Protein visualization, mutation & other manipulations.Understand concept of in-silico protein modelling using servers & software’s.Understanding concept of protein motif and domains.Understanding concept of protein structure prediction by Modeller


Introduction to Biological databases
Multiple Sequence Alignment – CLUSTALW
Introduction to Proteins & Protein Databases-UNIPROT
Study of proteins and their structures
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction tools
Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction using Servers & Modeller
Protein Structure Validation with Ramachandran Plot
Protein Structure Energy Minimization
For Further Details, Contact
Mail us At-
Contact Us At-+91-7798668315,91-7038770985,
For Quick Response WhatsApp +91-7798668315,91-7038770985,
Registered participants will be required to carry their own laptop for a hands-own practice of data analysis.


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