FREE! Online MATLAB workshop

    MATLAB Workshop at Univ. of Oklahoma and via videoconferencing Morning: Data Analysis with MATLAB (no previous MATLAB experience needed) Afternoon: Parallel Computing with MATLAB WHEN: Tue Feb 28 2012, 10:00-11:30am and 1:00-3:30pm Central Time WHERE: University of Oklahoma, Stephenson Research & Technology Center COST: *FREE* SESSION I: Data Analysis with MATLAB (No previous MATLAB experience needed) 9:45-10:00am Central Time: Registration and check-in 10:00-11:30am Central Time: Data Analysis with MATALB Engineers, scientists, and data analysts worldwide use MATLAB to accelerate research and to reduce analysis and development time. Attend this seminar to find out how you and your colleagues can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze your data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face when using spreadsheets for data analysis. We will provide an overview of MATLAB through live demonstrations showing how to: * Access data from many sources (files, other software, hardware, etc.) * Use interactive tools for iterative exploration, design, and problem solving * Automate and capture your work in easy-to-write scripts and programs * Share your results with others by automatically creating reports. No previous MATLAB experience is needed for Session I. SESSION II: Parallel Computing with MATLAB Prerequisite: Session I, or equivalent MATLAB experience 12:45-1:00pm Central Time: Registration and check-in 1:00-3:30pm Central Time: Parallel Computing with MATLAB In this session, you will learn how to solve computationally and data-intensive problems using multicore processors, GPUs and computer clusters. We will introduce you to high-level programming constructs that allow you to parallelize MATLAB applications without CUDA or MPI programming and to run them on multiple processors. We will also show you how to overcome the memory limits of your desktop computer and to solve problems that require manipulating very large matrices by distributing your data. Highlights will include: * Toolboxes with built-in support for parallel computing * Creating parallel applications to speed up independent tasks * Programming with distributed arrays to work with large data sets * Scaling up to computer clusters, grid environments, or clouds * Tips on developing parallel algorithms Special add-on session: A representative from OU will offer information for OU MATLAB users who are interested in running MATLAB jobs on OU's supercomputing resources. PRESENTER BIOGRAPHY Gerardo Hernandez Correa holds a BS in Physics and an MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Insititute (WPI). He is currently completing the requirements for a PhD in Mathematical Sciences, also at WPI. At UPRM, his area of research was the theory of distributions and inverse problems, in particular the identification of linear systems. In his MS thesis, "Identification of Linear Systems," Gerardo designed and implemented in MATLAB an iterative, non-destructive method for retrieving the convolution kernel of linear systems. At WPI, in his dissertation, "An Adaptive, Multiresolution Agent-based Model of Glioblastoma Multiforme", Gerardo designed and implemented in MATLAB a multi-resolution agent-based model of the evolution of brain tumors, in particular Glioblastoma multiforme. Gerardo's areas of interest include numerical methods -- in particular Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation solvers -- as well as mathematical modeling, dynamical systems and high performance computing, among others.


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