Nature News catches up on the state of gene therapy trials against blindness

Blogging already on the recent developments in Gene Therapy , This weekend two teams reported success in helping people to see again. Nature News catches up on the state of gene therapy trials against blindness due to Leber’s congenital amaurosis (LCA).

LCA, a rare inherited form of blindness. Patients with LCA have a genetic defect that affects the development of the light receptors in their eyes; typically they have poor vision at birth and are blind within three decades. Some 3,000 people are thought to be affected in the United States.

here are answers to some important questions that may arise like:

What sort of blindness do the new reports address?

Were the patients 'cured'?

How does it work?

What other treatments are being investigated for severe blindness?

Has gene therapy been trialled for blindness before?

for answers read


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