Nicholas Piramal India Limited to Piramal Healthcare Limited

Nicholas Piramal India Limited ("NPIL", name proposed to be changed to Piramal Healthcare Limited) is one of India's largest pharmaceutical companies, with a growth track record of above 30% CAGR since 1988. NPIL had consolidated revenues of US$602 million in 2006-07. The Company is currently ranked 4th in the Indian market with a diverse product portfolio spanning nine therapeutic areas. The Company is also one of the largest custom manufacturing companies with a global footprint of assets across North America, Europe and Asia. NPIL is listed in India on the National Stock Exchange (Ticker: NICOLASPIR) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (Ticker: 500302). The name change from Nicholas Piramal India Limited to Piramal Healthcare Limited is subject to approval by the Company's shareholders and Central Government.


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