Biomarkers to Open the Door to Personalized Medicine and Represents a Seismic Shift for the Pharma Industry

“For example, the presence of a specific protein in the blood or in any body fluid might indicate a specific infection. Once an association between a biomarker and a disease is clearly established, the one can be used to signal the other, and to a high degree of certainty. As well, changes in the prevalence of a biomarker in the organism can immediately and reliably signpost a patient’s response to treatment”

Some pharmaceutical companies are already advancing their research and harnessing the power of biomarkers, which can:
  • Be used to detect the predisposition for disease in a population, screen for its presence, confirm its diagnosis, assess its severity, predict its response to available therapies and measure its clinical course
  • Be used as targets to discover new drugs
  • Be a decisive factor in determining whether or not to continue research on an entity
  • Show early in the development phase whether an entity could lead to side effects that should terminate further research
  • Help to make clinical trials more efficient
  • Reduce treatment overheads by optimizing dosages and measuring a patient’s response more quickly and accurately
Molecular Connections Private Ltd. Bangalore India has announced the launch of its new Knowledgebase of Clinically Significant Proteins - CliPro.
  • Knowledgebase, is a result of manually mining thousands of papers, on proteins present in various human body fluids , with their known concentration values and biomarker information as available in literature
  • Platform to analyze protein biomarker- disease associations
  • Catalogue of clinically significant proteins in biofluids such as plasma, cerum, CSF, synovial fluid, saliva, urine, peritonial fluid, bal fluid, amniotic fluid, tears
  • includes >1000 clinically significant proteins – with ~2000 different disease/pathological correlations
  • Biomarkers with disease associations are broadly either diagnostic, prognostic, predictive or efficacy markers
Also read A price tag of around US$1 billion to map human proteome


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