PURE: a webserver for the prediction of domains in unassigned regions in proteins
Accumulation of domain information of sequence homologues can substantially aid prediction of new domains. In this paper, we propose a computationally intensive, multi-step bioinformatics protocol as a web server named as PURE (Prediction of Unassigned REgions in proteins) for the detailed examination of stretches of unassigned regions in proteins. Query sequence is processed using different automated filtering steps based on length, presence of coiled-coil regions, transmembrane regions, homologous sequences and percentage of secondary structure content. Later, the filtered sequence segments and their sequence homologues are fed to PSI-BLAST, cd-hit and Hmmpfam. Data from the various programs are integrated and information regarding the probable domains predicted from the sequence is reported.
PURE protocol as a web server for rapid and comprehensive analysis of unassigned regions in the proteins. This server integrates data from different programs and provides information about the domains encoded in the unassigned regions.
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