BioPuppy Linux

  • It is more user friendly and easy to use for those new to Linux.
  • Contains all the necessary Bioinformatics tools.
  • BioPuppy contains extensive help files for ALL its programs and Bioinformatcis tools with screen shot.
  •  Sequence Analysis tools such as: Genewise, Muscle, Sigma etc are already embedded.
  •  Structure Prediction tools such as: Phylogibbs, Mfold, FastLink are present.
  •  Protein Structure Analysis Tools like Rasmol and Phylogenetic Analysis Tools such as FastDNA and Philip are already embedded.
  • Most Importantly Molecular Dynamics tools such as GROMACS,
  • Statistical Analysis Tools such as R and BioConductor are pre-loaded.
  • It also contains BLAST, EMBOSS, Biofox and other online tools also.
Install BioPuppy and experience all these features. Welcome to BioPuppy Linux


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