Post Doctoral Fellow in Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance project at NII, New Delhi

Applications are invited for the post of Post Doctoral Fellow for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
Post : Post Doctoral Fellow
  • Consolidated fellowship : As per terms governed by the Wellcome trust DBT India Alliance and National Institute of Immunology (a Minimum of Rs. 40,000/- per month). 
  • Project title : Exploring the role of a developmental regulator in inflammatory immune response under Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance
Essential Qualification : a. Must hold a Ph.D Degree (not awarded before 2009), or must already have submitted their thesis towards obtaining a Ph.D degree from a reputed Institute.
b. Must have more than Five years of research Experience.
c.  Must have proven research expertise/skills in basic biochemistry, cell biology and Molecular Biology, Research Expertise in in vivo animal work is also preferred.
d. Must have one publication as first author, in international journal, preferably with impact factor above 2.5.
e. Must have basic theoretical knowledge in the area such as cell signalling, inflammation, Immunology.
  • Job description/Experience : The Candidate is ready to explore alteration in the host cell signalling and transcription network in response to pathogenic perturbations. The Candidate should have sound technical skills in cell culture and biochemistry and should have working theoretical knowledge in cell signalling. The candidate must have a Ph.D Degree (or must have submitted his/her thesis towards obtaining a Ph.D degree) and more than 5 years of experience in research laboratories. 
Duration : 30.11.2015
PI : Dr. Soumen Basak |  
How to Apply :Interested candidates may apply directly, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN ON WEBSITE through e-mail, to the Investigator of the project, clearly indicating the name of the project along with their complete C.V., e-mail id, fax numbers, telephone numbers. Short listed candidates will be required to submit attested copies of all their certificates and a Demand Draft of  Rs 100/- drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi / New Delhi in favour of the Director, NII (SC / ST and PH candidates are exempted  subject to submission of documentary proof), at the time of interview.
Deadline : 28.03.12


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